
Mary Ellen A. Sy, MD

Honorary Chair, Committee on Continuing Education in Ophthalmology

President, Philippine Academy of Ophthalmology

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

It is my great honor and pleasure to welcome you to the Philippine Academy of Ophthalmology’s 2024 Annual Congress at the SMX Convention Center, Pasay City on December 4-6, 2024.

This year’s theme is From Insights to Innovations: Integrating Science and Technology into Practice wherein the practical applications of cutting-edge technology in eye care delivery will be highlighted. Ophthalmology is a very dynamic field with an ever-changing landscape influenced by the latest innovations and breakthroughs.  This scientific meeting aims to help our attendees incorporate available technology at their fingertips into their practice and revolutionize healthcare delivery in the country.

We have prepared a full congress with a robust scientific program featuring local and international faculty.  It will be a lively meeting of minds bringing together an estimated 2,000 ophthalmologists from all around the country.

The Congress will provide the opportunity to gather colleagues—to encourage productive networking and collaboration. As in previous years, the fellowship night will be a much-anticipated event.  We have planned long and hard for this. We left no stone unturned to make it truly a night to remember!

I look forward to welcoming you all to this wonderful meeting in Manila where we can all rekindle old friendships and form new ones. Let us all learn together and adapt together to innovative technologies and push Philippine Ophthalmology to greater heights.

Raymond Nelson Regalado, MD

Overall Chair, Committee on Continuing Education in Ophthalmology

Vice President, Philippine Academy of Ophthalmology

Welcome to PAO Annual Congress 2024: "From Insights to Innovations"! It is indeed fortunate that we are again given the chance to advance Ophthalmology and share pioneering knowledge that continuously changes the landscape of eye care.

This event will not be possible without the presence of world-renowned invited eye experts, both local and international. They are sure to provide us with insights into the future of Ophthalmology, and inspire us with new perspectives and innovative approaches that would benefit our practice, and ultimately, our patients.

The program has been the product of the hard-working minds of the organizing committee. The sessions are bound to be enlightening, and engaging, as it is delivered by a curated faculty of distinguished specialists from different parts of the world. To expand our understanding of how our beloved profession is growing, this congress also features top-notch research and interactive sessions.

Apart from just academic encounters, this year’s Congress also features a highly-anticipated and re-energized Fellowship Night – a party dedicated to rekindling fellowship and forming collaborations. It will surely be an evening full of fun and unforgettable moments — while being an opportunity to strengthen bonds that would last longer after the Congress ends.

This year’s Congress will surely bring us together once again. It is our hope that we all bring with us an inquisitive mind and a clear vision of how we all want to evolve as clinician surgeons. Let us all take this chance to challenge long held beliefs and learn how to think outside-the-box, as, indeed, our learning never stops.

On behalf of the incumbent Executive Council, and the selfless members of the Committee on Continuing Education in Ophthalmology (CCEO), I would like to welcome everybody to this Congress.

Thank you so much and see you in December!

Important Dates

Early Bird July 29 to September 30, 2024
Advance October 01 to November 15, 2024
On-site November 16 to December 06, 2024
Abstract Submission August 15 to October 18, 2024
Notification of Acceptance November 15, 2024
Deadline for Submission of
Surgical Videos and E-posters
November 25, 2024
Contest Proper (RRPC, FRPC, ICRC) December 3, 2024
Live Judging of Surgical Videos December 4, 2024
PCSI 25th Anniversary Cornea Symposium December 3, 2024
VRSP 25th Anniversary Retina Symposium December 3, 2024
Opening Ceremony December 4, 2024
Fellowship Night December 5, 2024
PAO Business Meeting December 6, 2024
Closing Ceremony December 6, 2024

Event Sponsors




